Modern Foreign Languages

At The Study School, French is taught to children from Reception through to Year Six. We have introduced Spanish and Chinese as second and third languages to children, beginning in Year Five.




At the Study School, children learn French, Spanish and Chinese. French is taught from Reception up to Year Six. Spanish is added from Year Five upwards and Year Five start learning about the Chinese language, history and culture.

In the Pre-Prep department, children learn through games and songs and are able to answer simple questions about themselves successfully in French. They study fairy tales such as Les Trois Petits Cochons and Le Petit Chaperon Rouge (Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood), acting out small scenes as a class.

In the Prep department, children learn more advanced language such as how to describe their family and how to tell people what they like to do in their free time. Children learn about the grammar of the language, which they are then able to apply in their written and spoken work. Children listen to authentic French speakers, along with being able to read from French texts. In Spanish, children learn how to greet people, talk about themselves and learn about Spain and Spanish culture.

Learning both languages sets children up for studying languages at their future secondary school with a sound grammar and pronunciation base.

MFL Club is also on offer at The Study School where pupils are exposed to a range of languages from Japanese to Welsh!